troy: idk, seven?

So now I've got some chariots running around and more importantly some archers getting ran over I'm going to be looking into creating the barricade, that's designed to save the archers from meeting their grizzly fate. Getting the model is pretty straight forward [well except there arent many free models of anti-horse fences so instead to got a regular fence, duplicated it set each one at 45 degrees apart from each other] 

However unity ai doesn't move for pretty looking barricades, in fact left as is the chariots would simply clip through the barricade. In fact what the ai sees is this blue map. 

Any non-blue areas are places where the ai cannot go, either because the there's something in the way, there's a gap too small for the ai to fit through or a slope too steep. So how do we access the blue void, and how do we slap an un-accessible area in it? 

By setting the object as 'static' unity recognises the ai cant pass through it and updates the blue map to look more like this 


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