
Showing posts from February, 2022

portfolio 4: landscaping

Having finished modelling the bridge it was time to make the world for the bridge to go in. The most important feature of the map is to make the river for the bridge to go over [although at this stage it is just a large ravine until I get any water in] The hardest part of this stage was modelling the parts of the map that player would actually be walking on since it's hard to get a sense of scale when flying around in editor view compared to actually playing it. I'm currently working on texturing for the landscape, since grey squares doesn't match the vission.

portfolio 3: making a big mother loving bridge

 It dawned on me pretty quickly that if I was to make a level based around the tees transporter bridge it would be important that I had an actual model of the bridge. The problem there, no model was readily available online and not wishing to pay a free lancer my only option was to model the bridge myself. At first this was an incredibly daunting task since, after performing extra research, it became apparent that the bridge is absolutely massive. However luckily for me the Victorians had a very distinctive style of construction, that is lots and lots of small simple to manufacture pieces bolted together to make one enormous structure [think Meccano on a giant scale] meaning that the same principles can be applied to modelling it digitally. 

Portfolio work 2: [bridge pun]

 In the last part I mentioned doing a level set in a gloomy, fog filled level but was still lacking inspiration for any kind of set piece for the gameplay to revolve around. Since then I've been lucky enough to bare witness to  Mackenzie Thorpe's eerie  painting 'Heart Of The North', a painting of the Tees transporter bridge rising out of a gloomy, foggy foreground. My only worry is that thematically a spooky foggy level would be quiet similar to a mission design module that I made recently and am planning to put into my portfolio [which is probably what inspired me to want to make a spooky foggy level]. Although there's always a way to make the lighting different enough to be distinct it ultimately shouldn't matter too much, as this is a game design portfolio what really matters is the gameplay design.