I learnt back in college that putting sound effects into games can make the world of difference to a game, I was making a game about playing as a post apocalyptic taxi driver where the bad guys drive after the player and shoot at them. While play testing the game it seemed quite easy to get a reasonably high score until I added gun sound effects to the enemies and suddenly the real pressure of being shot at had an impact on how the player plays the game. Having seen how much of a difference sound effects can make to a game with not a whole lot work I've since tried to put sound into my projects where possible. To this end I've put multiple sound effects into my current project, from coins jingling to ambient noise [for wind, water, and electrical buzzing sound effects] to relays clicking on to multiple mechanical and metal breaking sound effects. [note that all sounds where taken off of YouTube and then converted to mp3s, wavs, and edited down via a multitude of incredibly sket...
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