troy again
troy: part 3
so we've mostly got our plan together, now we just need to make it. So we're looking to make a [admittedly very small] section of game and for this we'll be using unity [my reasoning for using such a sadistic program I'll explain in due course] so obviously we're going to be wanting to put something in our scene, such as chariots, the archers and a world for them to go in. So we're left with the conundrum of needing models which, like many things in live, can be solved in two ways. Either make your own or steal it. So with shopping list in hand we can head over to one of my favourite websites, Sketchfab. Much like the unity store, except with a lot more free stuff that's a lot better made and a lot more varied. I decided to start with finding an archer, of which there was quite a selection. such a vast selection in fact I found pretty much exactly what i was looking for.
specifically the little guy on the top, second from the right. So i downloaded the file, threw it into unity, played with the colour of the texture a bit to make my little dude look a little more troy-ish.So one down, onto our next target. As mentioned archers are only a half of the equation, so we need to find a chariot to try run him over. So I took myself over to Skecthfab once again and went through the arduous task of searching for a chariot, picking one, saving it and slapping it into unity and before you know it we've got the archers sworn enemy.
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