troy goes fourth
So we have our models but lets work on a world to put them in. Now we're not looking to make this the best looking map, since firstly we're just trying to demonstrate a mechanic and spending hours creating a detailed map would be a waste of time and secondly we're using unity so obviously it's only going to look so good anyways. But creating a reasonably good looking terrain as appose to a flat, white void can go a long way to making your project look a lot more professional.
In the unity terrain editor you can paint on textures, heights and trees. So to make the world look a little more Greek/a little less Sahara I chose to add some greenery, but no bog standard trees where going to cut it so I once again hit up Sketchfab, found some pretty looking trees, slapped them into unity [and completely butchered the textures] and sprinkled a few onto the map.
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